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Tribute to my Education

My Education,


Sunrise - January 4th 2001

Sunset - Month ?, 20??


It's been 13 years since I've entered your grasp of knowledge. 

Oh I remember those first steps you took into my life, at Francis D. Pastorius Elementary school.

It went from crayons 3 sizes larger than normal, to pens and technology too engraved to erase my past.

From drawing my dreams and wants, to living a nightmare and cutting family ties with those same safety scissors it took an entire art time to cut a piece of paper with.

It's been 13 years of test taking and wondering what life holds at the end of this treadmill of learning.

I can't blame my failure on my failed education, but my peers can ode their success on their succeeding education system.

Remember, in kindergarden when I thought that naptime was a bummer, but now i've learned that a "midday nap may play a crucial role in enhancing memory and boosting learning capabilities in preschool-age children."

Or, Remember in third grade, when I took that 1 week vacation with the family to Barbados?

Ha! I still haven't learned my multiplication tables that i've missed that week. 

If you were so "perfect". My past teachers would have sat me to the side a tried with me.

You know what? I didn't need it anyways. Look how far I made it without them.

If the system was so good though, I would have need them to make it this far. 

Just shows me how much you were serious about yourself Education.



Poem to the hierarchy of education



Right now there is a boy leaving a conference in the middle of a heated argument with his parents.

He Got an F yesterday on the Algebra 2 exam.

After counless nights

Of cramming equation after equation into his mind

With sleepless nights he fails to find the equevelent to X

With mother in his right ear disputing whether or not he'd live up to the family reputation

Or his absent father on his left giving his two cents like a donation

They fail to see his hard work and Dedication only leads up to an F on his Examination

While his father storms into the car his mother blanks stares him

Thinking with a consequential sigh

Think for another second, then lie

Then she'll say something along the lines of

"You know failing that final slims your chances of getting into a 4 year university?"

Then he'll reply 

"Mom what i want to be has nothing to do with the diversity of my future."

Yet she clings on to that aligation as if there is only one way to become successful

"You know, money is only the medium of which we measure worldly success" Suli Breaks

But it never made sense to me why a blind eyed human being has to determine my future

Based off what they made up and something my near but far future has nothing to do with

Why they sit behind their desks, shielded behind their cubicals, offering everything but a helping hand

Collecting bonuses knowing that their lives are already set

But can't set up our lives     good enough that the only bonus to us

Is their $60.85 from their bonus put towards extra pencils and paper 

That our families can't even afford



It's sad that we have to compete as youngsters to make it to the top

I mean like, that 2 packs of beef top ramen did fill my belly last night

Look, I didin't memorize the math for the test, but I did memorize the cooking directions

"Fill a pot 

about half way 

put stove on high

put the palate of noodles in the water, or if you have no bowl, crunch it up in the bag

let it boil for about 3-5 minutes based off your taste of solidity

take it off and add the oh so good seasoning 

stir, and eaat it up in about 3-5 minutes..."

Because mom is never home to have a home cooked meal

But i'm pretty sure that your $100 steak filled your stomach too last night

But im still listening to the same people 

Who believe in higher public education 

But can't offer a calculator to further my education by an examination

The same people who hate bullying but take advantage of us

Try to teach a pond of fish to climb a tree 

While the fisherman is listening and climbs the tree

You pushed me away

Because the education system you taught 

Only made me pray for another day.


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